About Us

At our survivalist store we bring you a unique blend of real-world expertise and practical knowledge. Our team members have weathered the storms-Literally From facing hurricanes, Irma, Charlie, Ian, in Florida with our families to Hurricane Katrina for deployment by the US Army

We have first hand experience with preparing ourselves, our families and other civilians for the worst. In addition to survival and military skills we bring years of professional claims experience to the table. This background equips us to help you navigate any challenges you may face. Our owners have a diverse background in all things survival. Including deployments with Hurricane Katrina with the 82nd Airborne division from fort Bragg. We involved locating and extracting stranded civilians via air and land as well as setting up shelters. Our journey includes training in various Army units, surviving harsh weather and terrains in multiple countries leading humanitarian efforts in third-world nations. With a career culminating as Sergent First Class in airborne combined with years of Catastrophe insurance claims experience we prioritize staying prepared, staying trained and staying ahead in all situations. Trust us for your survival needs backed by real-life experiences and unwavering dedication.
